Friday, August 29, 2014

First Week of School!!

What a first week of school!!!  I'm so excited to be teaching these sweet little kiddos.  They are eager and anxious to learn!

It has been a big week of getting to know our rules, the school, and how Kindergarten works.  

We brainstormed school helpers and what they do at our school.  

We had a tour of the building and discussed where each school helper was located. We used a map to place them in the correct area.  

We read The Little Engine that Could.  We discussed what we can do, too!

We made a glyph of ourselves.  The girls have a dress on.  The boys have a shirt and shorts on.  We are holding our favorite color crayon.  We have buttons on our shirt that correspond to our age.  

This week we visited the habitat.  We will be using the habit for observations, experiments, and some reading time!  We found grapes, bell pepper, and pumpkins growing in the garden!

Math Tubs:
This week we learned about math tubs.  Math tubs is a time to review and practice math concepts that we have learned and don't want to forget!  This week we practiced using our math rules that we brainstormed ourselves.  

Literacy Stations:
Each day we go to Literacy Stations.  This is a time where we practice activities that promote and enhance literacy.  Right now we have introduced just a few stations and they seem more like "play."  Later, as the year progresses and the work increases, they will be more "work" stations. These are pictures of us practicing literacy stations.   

In Drama Station we can re-tell stories and make up our own.

In Creation Station we can use our fine motor skills to create pictures or playdoh masterpieces.  

In Magnetic Station we can build words, spell our names, and match letters.  

In Home Station, we can practice our communication and speaking skills.

In Block Station we can practice thinking skills to build architecture.  

In Puzzle and Game Station we can play with puzzles and games that promote thinking and literacy skills.

In Library Station, we can read a book using the pictures or the words.  Notice the chart behind the kids about being a book buddy or book bully.  

In Pocket Chart Station we can match letters and match our friends' names and pictures.  

Gingerbread Man:
On Friday, we read The Gingerbread Man.  As we were reading, a note fell out of the book!  The note gave us clues to find him.  We went all around the building, and each time we got to the next clue, he we gone!!!  When we finally got back to the room, we found that he left us gingerbread cookies.  We loved eating them!!  It was so much fun!!
He left us cookies!!!!


Dates to Remember:
September 1---NO SCHOOL!!!  Labor Day