Sunday, September 21, 2014

Star of the Week, Forces of Motion, Book Buddies, Cooking

Star of the Week
This week's Star of the Week is a friend that loves the color pink and wants to be a Kindergarten teacher when she grows up….guess I better watch out or she will take my job!!!

Forces of Motion
This week in Science we have been talking about Forces of Motion.  We used hands-on activities to discover how things move.  We each got a toy car and discussed how it could move.  We learned that in order for it to move, it needed a force (either a push or a pull).  We learned that the car will keep moving unless there is something that slows it down or stops it.  We used our cars to experiment with speed, ramps, grass, carpet, smooth ground, bumpy ground etc.

After we studied push using our cars, we used a rope to practice and learn about pull.  We play Tug of War!  

We then made a Venn diagram of all the ways that we use push and pull.  We use it when we push the grocery cart and pull it when we go the wrong way!!  Dad uses push when he is mowing the lawn and pull when he misses a spot.  Mom uses push when she steers the baby stroller and pull when she needs to back up to get the diaper bag that she forgot in the car!  Forces of motion are all around us….we just have to open our eyes and pay attention!

Cooking-Monster Toast
This week, we have focused on the letter Mm, how to write it, the sound it makes, and words that begin with Mm.  We read LOTS of monster stories!  They were so funny!!!!  We also made Monster Toast.  In order to complete the cooking activity, we had to read a recipe and follow directions.
First we make the milk and food coloring mix.  Then we "painted" the milk mix on our bread.
(Pictured is Mrs. Chick….a student from DBU that is observing and practice teaching in our class.  She rocks!!)

Then we placed it in the toaster.  After putting a little butter on the bread, it was a delicious monster to eat!)

We have our own recipe cookbooks.  We use them to read the recipe and record what our treat looked like.  We will get to take the cookbook home at the end of the year so we can make these treats again next summer!

Mrs. Nieves' Monster Toast

Book Buddies
This week we meet our book buddies for the first time.  They some to our class every Friday (except Pride Rally days).  They will read books to us and later we will read to them.  Do you want to check out our book Buddies blog page?  Go to 

Thanks for a fabulous week.  If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please let me know!!
Jessica Nieves

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